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Admiralty Asset Limited (AA) engages in real-estate consulting business, specializing in brokerage by sourcing real-estate deals and introducing them to investors, such as institutional investors or pension funds with real estate investment funds. AA also provides consulting services to clients who are interested in developing parcels of land by providing architectural concepts, assessing project feasibility by financial modeling, assist in finding source of funds from investors in the form of equity & debt, and introducing accredited real-estate developers as well as construction companies.

Admiralty Asset’s focus is on carefully selecting and delivering deals that can achieve sustainable yield throughout the economic cycle by actively monitoring the market condition, risks, and its adjusted returns.  By having client in its foremost focus, servicing clients’ needs and protecting their interests is the mission of the Admiralty Asset.



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Jean S. ryu

Jean is a seasoned professional whose experiences range from managerial consulting services, venture capital, to private equity firm.  He began his career with KPMG's Audit Services and then moved on to Risk Advisory Services where he was exposed to various industries.  Jean's exposure to real estate clients include real estate developer, home builder, mortgage lender, mortgage backed securities trading company, and NASDAQ listed commercial REITs. Prior to founding Admiralty Asset, he was a member of a startup private equity firm at WWG in Korea, where he oversaw the operations as a statutory director/auditor on behalf of the board of directors.


Jean has an MBA degree from London Business School.


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Sunny wang

Sunny joined Admiralty Asset in 2018 while still working in the UK as the head of project delivery and partner of London office. Since then Sunny performed in-depth acquisition trials sourced deals such as Beckett Facebook sole tenant office building in Dublin, 1 Poultry, 20 Old Bailey in the City of London, 242 Marylebone, Woolworth building, and introduced a couple of office investments opportunities in Jersey, Channel Island to well known South Korean LPs


Between 2011 and 2013, Sunny served as senior project manager for Samsung Construction & Trading in South Korea. He was responsible for a theme park development project covering 720 hectares (7.2 sq km) consisting of 7 theme parks, 6 hotels with retail, dining and entertainment venues.

From 2002 to 2010, he worked in South Korea and the US on a number of substantial residential and mixed-use projects, successfully completing development projects such as the Marriott Executive Hotel and Apartment project consists 390 high-end mixed-use units, 34-floor twin tower GFA 76,033m2, estimated GDV of 260 million USD.

Sunny completed his master's degree in Real Estate program from Reading University in the UK.

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